Wenzhou Hengtong water treatment equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise committed to the R & D, design and manufacturing of water treatment equipment. It gathers experienced engineers and technicians to provide services for new energy, food, dairy, beverage, biopharmaceutical, boiler, brewing, electronics, electroplating, leather, printing and dyeing, coating, chemical industry, surface treatment and other industries. Provide water treatment production lines and turnkey projects with different needs. Such as: drinking purified water, mineral water, purified water, softened water, and all other deionized water equipment for industrial use.The stability of product quality is the foundation of enterprise survival. Quality and service are our eternal pursuit. The company pays close attention to the international trends of the water industry and the development direction of new processes. With continuous improvement, rich experience and skilled skills, the company's products are favored by the majority of users. The company has passed ISO9001:2008 international quality system certification and CE certification, and obtained the approval document for health license of aquatic products issued by the Ministry of Health (Health Zi (2003) No. 0098). With the unique competitive advantages of Wenzhou people, our customers are all over the country and in the United States, Germany, Vietnam, Japan, the Middle East, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and other countries and regions.
湖水和河水处理设备,又称过滤设备和净化装置,是一种常见的地表水处理设备。河水和湖水都是地表水。水质随季节变化和上游污水排放而变化。水质不是很差。它在一段时间内是有效的。水质有一段时间很浑浊,悬浮物浓度高,影响生产和生活。我公司专业生产河流净... |
(1)直接法。方法提要。 水样中金属离子被原子化后,吸收来自同种金属元素空心阴极灯发出的共振线(铜,324.7nm... |
易使蒸汽品质恶化。 由于给水不良,导致炉水中存有杂质。当炉水不断受热而蒸发、(去离子水设备)浓缩时,炉水的表面张力... |
活性氧化铝是一种含巨大比表面积的分子筛吸附剂,当水的pH值=7.1时,它吸附阴离子的亲和力顺序为OH>F>SO>C... |
水处理设备试验方法(1)受试物。受试物应溶解或悬浮于适宜的介质中,建议首选水,其次是植物油(如玉米油),再次考虑使... |
a. 对于非致癌物而言,其毒作用存在明显的剂量-反应关系,当低于某剂量水平时就不会引起有害作用,此剂量即称之为“阈... |
介水传染病是由于饮用或接触了受病原体污染的水而引起的一类传染病。 去离子水设备经饮用水传播的主要包括伤寒和副伤寒、... |
去离子水设备是人体骨骼和牙齿的正常组成成分,有研究认为据可降低心血管疾病的死亡率。微量元素硅对动物的正常生长发育是... |
卫生及水中含有人体必需的微量元素且本身不含任何热量,因此是一种对健康有益的饮品。水处理设备为保证矿泉水的质量,保障... |
水处理设备方法是采用与正常运行药剂成份相同,只是预膜时投加剂量高于正常运行剂量的5-20倍。市售有不同的牌号,其特... |
去离子水设备概括: 去离子水设备既是离子交换系统,离子交换系统是通过阴、阳离子交换树脂对水中的各种阴、阳离子... |
反渗透设备是一种借助于选择透过(半透过)性膜的工力能以压力为推动力的膜分离技术,当系统中所加的压力大于进水溶液渗透... |
《生活饮用水水质卫生规范》对《生活饮用水卫生标准》修改的主要内容(1)适用范围的修改。原《生活饮用水卫生标准》适用... |
建筑物高层水箱由于防腐层脱落或管道的杂质、锈蚀产物的积累,(去离子设备)造成水箱出水水质不合格,必须加强平时的水质 |
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